Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Beautiful Sites and Sounds

It's another cold day outside, but after the boys got off to school, I sat back drinking my coffee. As I looked outside, the sun was rising and was such a magnificent sunrise of pinks and yellow. I also hear the birds out singing on this cold morning enjoying a new season of garden goodies that God has provided for them.
Our Lord gives us so many blessings, some of those we miss because we are off and running instead of taking a few moments to enjoy the beauty he has provided. I am so glad he gave us the blessing of seeing colors and hearing nature outside.
Today I choose to make it the best day I can with God's grace and immense love for me.
"The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord." Psalms 33:5

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Learning, Loving & Giving Thanks

I love Thanksgiving. It's a new season of our creator's beauty. Crisp cold sunny days, a warm house with a fire and my family all gathered in our home. It also brings a strong reminder of just HOW MUCH WE HAVE. I think of the homeless and am so grateful that so many are reaching out to help in our community.
I am reading a book titled "The Strength of Mercy". I am thankful that we as followers of Jesus, we are to reach past our "comfort zones" to reach out beyond our borders to the lost and forgotten. My dear friend & her husband are adopting a little "African Princess" and my heart overflows with excitement that this little girl who lives thousands of miles away will soon be in a warm and loving home with so many people who love her.
Our pastor has challenged our congregation to memorize a couple of passages from the bible. Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be to test a approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing & perfect will. I love reading the bible, but I admit that I have a hard time memorizing scripture. I am so thankful to be challenged and feel accountable to memorize his word. I have a long way to go, and much to learn. Jesus gives me unconditional love and grace---this I am most thankful for.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our family took a wonderful trip in July to Seattle Washington, our home of 23 years and the place my oldest son Stephen was born. It was a clear day as we flew by Mt. St. Helens so we were able to get these beautiful photo's from the plane. In May of 1980, she erupted causing much devastation to miles of around her and leaving her looking forever damaged. Twenty-eight years has now passed (wow), and to witness the beauty that had taken such a devastating "blow" just awed me of God's great power and love of His creation, and love for his children to witness this beauty in ways we could not imagine. I was able to see, that somethings can seem so devastated, but even with a now exsisting huge hole, she is a beautiful as ever given His grace and healing. Looking at this photo recently, I could relate to this magnifisant piece of God's creation. He is always in control of everything large or small, and if he can move mountains, he can and will move me. HIS GRACE IS ENOUGH!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


My days have been anything but consistant. I find myself being energized or encouraged by others blogs..both friends and others that I have never met. This morning I was reading a friends blog & I was filled with inspiration with her love of life and her love of Jesus. Her written words are one thing...being around her, the love just radiates from her.
I am learning that I can admire people & desire to have "that character" that they posses, or I can take the God given character that He has given only to me & use it for His glory and the grace I have been given.

One never knows, maybe someone will read my blog, and know that God has given them the character He created just for them. We can learn so much about the love of Jesus by CONSISTANTLY surrounding ourselves with people willing to teach and share the joy that overflows through them.
"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me" Phil 4:13